Over at The Armorer’s place they are celebrating their Anniversary of have their web doors open.
Over 10 years, and frankly given how many website’s I have seen come and go that’s pretty impressive.
Calimus and I started blogging back about 1995 under the heading of Techography.com. We had a major database crash in 2005 roughly, and we split the sites by opening this one in 2008 due to a change in focus of my own and what I blog versus the content at Techo.
We’re limping along, but much as The Armorer says, I’m not looking to do anything phenomenal, not that I ever did online. It’s been a hobby for me, and a study in social as I watch how the technological world changes from m-IRC, to forums, to websites, to blogs, to Facebook and Twitter. Watching as the people move from one system to another.
In any event having a website for 10 years is a pretty big deal and should be celebrated accordingly.
Go drop him an “Atta Boy!” will ya?