The unbearable lightness of Lex…
For the last several years literally hundreds of us have been greeted with that banner, repeatedly.
Whom can forget the infamous “pink” Hornet?
For many of us we awoke and found those words painful this morning.
And thats not how he would have wanted it. Miles apart the modern world of technology has brought us close.
I’ll be holding a Cyber Wake here. All comers are welcome, for no one should drink alone.
I will open comments to the world for the night, for us to share stories of the indomitable Lex and hold as close to a wake as was possible with those of us who found him more than just a man, a pilot, or a Milblogger..but a friend.
Officially I’ll unlock comments starting at 18:00 Central Standard Time.
Unofficially, let this post start the works.
Let the stories, links, music and words flow freely and let the dancing begin.